

TL;DRFlips.no are flashcards based on the principle of Spaced Repetiton. The idea for Flips came in october 2017 when we started integrating a flashcard system into Grupwork. After thinking about this idea for a while, we figured out that the best way to do this was to have it as a standalone «app». The main focus when designing Flips was mobile first so I designed the app for mobile and used UX principles for mobile like menu in the bottom, big «click areas» and a minimal interface. The app was released in April 2018 and we had approx 500 users by the end of summer.


Idea, Exploration, UX and UI


The idea to have an app where users could create their own study cards and memorize the cards at any time is something we started building into our main platform but we realized that it would be easier to use when the system was completely separate from Grupwork. This also enabled us to keep the interface as easy to use as possible and reduce clutter and information. We also created the app as a social experience where users could share their cards with others, private by adding people to a stack of cards or making them public so that everyone could access the cards.


I designed the interface and how the flow should be, all the way from onboarding to creating stacks of cards and sharing the cards with others as well. When the prototype was created and we had tested it to potential users, we iterated a bit and started developing the app.

In addition to doing UX and UI, i also did alot of the front-end design this time around. This made sure that the developer could focus more on the difficult stuff and leaving the HTML, CSS and simple JS to me. In addition to saving us time, it also gave me a much better understanding of these parts of development.

Since we dont know enough about development of native apps, and this was something that we would leave to a later stage because of this, the app is not a native app but rather a «web app» running on everything from mobile to desktop.
We released the «app» in April 2018 and we got quite a few signups, but time constraints and new jobs made it harder to keep developing the app further with a better and more intelligent backend system.


I created the prototype and intitial design in October of 2017  in UXPin but i have moved on to Figma now so the prototype is not available anymore.

The UXPin prototype included onboarding for registering accounts, a feed with flashcards, creating and editing flashcards, network and social features.

Project Info



Idea, UX, UI, Frontend

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